Warden House Awarded artsmark Gold Award

Warden House Primary School in Deal has been awarded with Arts Council England's Artsmark Gold Award, recognising the school's contribution and commitment to promoting arts and culture within the school and local community.
This award is valid for 2 years and is a huge achievement in recognition for how staff at Warden House have inspired and motivated pupils, enhancing their enjoyment and skills in the Arts.
Artsmark commented:
'Staff at Warden House Primary School evidently place a high value on the Arts and recognise their contribution to children's personal development, self-confidence, and your mission statement of providing 'irresistible learning for all'. There is a firm commitment to promoting arts and culture within your setting, and to increasing students' cultural capital'.
Congratulations to all involved with this fantastic achievement and special thanks to art leaders Sheila Vyse (now retired), Ashleigh Mann and Jade McDonald who completed the very detailed final submission and made this possible.